Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e AKD-së priti në një takim znj. Mary Camaj
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Ermonela Xhafa, priti në një takim, znj. Mary Camaj, një ndër aktivistet dhe veprimtaret nga më entuziastet në komunitetin shqiptar të New York-ut. Gjatë takimit, u diskutua […]
Shkolla Verore “Jam shqiptar” vizitë në Bashkinë e Shkodrës
Në vijim të udhëtimit në vendin e origjinës, nxënësit e Diasporës vizituan Bashkinë e Shkodrës.
Ata u mirëpritën ngrohtësisht nga zv/kryetarja e Bashkisë Shkodër, znj. Teuta Qyteza, si dhe të rinjtë e Qendrës Rinore Atelie, duke […]
Shuhet Atë Antonio Bellusci
Me pikëllim të thellë njoftojmë ndarjen nga jeta të një prej personaliteteve më të rëndësishme dhe të dashura që luftoi deri në frymën e fundit kundër harresës dhe asimilimit të arbëreshëve, At Antonio Bellusci
Lindi më […]
Seanca dëgjimore pranë Nënkomisionit “Për Diasporën dhe Migracionin”
Sot u zhvillua seanca dëgjimore pranë Nënkomisionit “Për Diasporën dhe Migracionin” me pjesëmarrjen e zv. ministres për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme, znj. Artemis Malo dhe Drejtoreshës Ekzekutive të Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, Znj. Sonila Hysi merr pjesë në Samitin e Tretë të Grave të Biznesit të Diasporës
Dhoma e Biznesit të Diasporës Shqiptare ka mbajtur Samitin e Tretë të Grave të Biznesit të Diasporës. Tema e këtij viti “Gruaja për Zhvillim të Qëndrueshëm” ka mbledhur më shumë se 100 gra sipërmarrëse të […]
Znj. Anila Hyka Smorgrav e shoqëruar nga znj. Sonila Hysi zhvilluan një takim me Kryetarin e Bashkisë së Tiranës, z. Erion Veliaj
Nënkryetarja e Këshillit Koordinues të Diasporës, znj. Anila Hyka Smorgrav e shoqëruar nga Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi zhvilluan një takim me z. Erion Veliaj, Kryetar i Bashkisë së Tiranës. […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi, mori pjesë në takimin “Tryeza e Partnerëve”
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi, mori pjesë në takimin “Tryeza e Partnerëve”, të organizuar nga Dhoma e Biznesit të Diasporës Shqiptare.
Në këtë aktivitet me partnerë, donatorë dhe palët e interesit […]
Publikohet numri i tretë (Dhjetor 2021) i Buletinit për ecurinë e zbatimit të masave të Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare të Diasporës 2021-2025
Publikohet numri i tretë (Dhjetor 2021) i Buletinit për ecurinë e zbatimit të masave të Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare të Diasporës 2021-2025.
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës ndjek zbatimin e masave të Planit të Veprimit […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e AKD-së, znj. Sonila Hysi gjatë ditës së sotme vizitoi shkollën e mësimit plotësues të krijuar nga shoqata shqiptare “Ardhmëria” në Londër
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi gjatë ditës së sotme vizitoi shkollën e mësimit plotësues të krijuar nga shoqata shqiptare “Ardhmëria” në Londër, Angli. “Ardhmëria” kryesuar nga Z. Lutfi Vata, njëkohësisht […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi përshëndeti sot organizimin e shqiptarëve në Londër
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi përshëndeti sot organizimin e shqiptarëve në Londër me rastin e 100 vjetorit të marrëdhënieve diplomatike mes dy vendeve.
Gjatë ditës së sotme po zhvillohet në Londër […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e AKD-së znj. Sonila Hysi priti sot në takim Konsullin e Nderit të Republikës së Shqipërisë në Ukrainë, Z. Shahin Omarov
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës znj. Sonila Hysi priti sot në takim Konsullin e Nderit të Republikës së Shqipërisë në Ukrainë, Z. Shahin Omarov ku u diskutua për një sërë nismash të përbashkëta […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e AKD-së, znj. Sonila Hysi takim me drejtoreshën e Teatrit Kombëtar të Operas dhe Baletit, Znj. Zana Çela
Sot me drejtoreshën e Teatrit Kombëtar të Operas dhe Baletit, Znj. Zana Çela, mbi bashkëpunimin e mëtejshëm dhe të frytshëm të artistëve shqiptarë në Shqipëri dhe atyre në diasporë.
Znj. Çela me vizionin dhe punën […]
Nënshkruhet Memorandumi i Bashkëpunimit ndërmjet Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Bashkisë së Tiranës
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi falenderoi Kryetarin e Bashkisë së Tiranës, z. Erion Veliaj dhe nënkryetaren, znj. Anuela Ristani për nënshkrimin e këtij memorandumi i cili do ti shërbejë diasporës […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës ju prezanton me databazën e studentëve
📬 Jeni një student shqiptar që po studion jashtë vendit? 📚
Jeni një shtetas i huaj me origjinë shqiptare që po studion jashtë vendit?📚
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës ju prezanton me databazën e studentëve.🗃
Kjo është një nismë […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës bëhet pjesë dhe partnere e projektit “Qëndrueshmëria Margjinale: Modeli i Ekonomisë Qarkulluese për Zhvillimin e Vokacioneve Territoriale”
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës bëhet pjesë dhe partnere e projektit “Qëndrueshmëria Margjinale: Modeli i Ekonomisë Qarkulluese për Zhvillimin e Vokacioneve Territoriale” në bashkëpunim me Agjencinë Italiane për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim.
Në takimin me Z. Claudio Poligniano, […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës organizon aktivitetin “Ditët e Shqipërisë” në Athinë, Greqi
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës në datat 5, 6 dhe 7 tetor, do të organizojë aktivitetin “Ditët e Shqipërisë” në Athinë. Gjatë aktivitetit do të zhvillohen takime me përfaqësues të komunitetit shqiptar në Greqi për të […]
Nënshkruhet Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit ndërmjet Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Institutit Alb-Shkenca
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diaspores, znj. Sonila Hysi, zhvilloi sot një takim me z. Ardian Maci, Kryetar i Institutit AlbShkenca, z. Fatos Ylli, Sekretar i Përgjithshëm dhe znj. Shpresa Tafaj, Sekretare Organizative për […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e AKD-së, znj. Sonila Hysi zhvilloi sot një takim me përfaqësues të Shoqatës Bashkimi i Shqiptarëve të Ukrainës
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi zhvilloi sot një takim me përfaqësues të Shoqatës Bashkimi i Shqiptarëve të Ukrainës dhe z. Koçi Tahiri, Kryetar i Shoqatës Atdhetare Kulturore “Besëlidhja Gorare”, Qarku […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës vazhdon aktivitetet në bashkinë e Cerzeto, Kalabri
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës në datat 29-30 gusht dhe 1 shtator, realizoi një program aktivitetesh në komunitetin Arbëresh në Itali. Pas aktiviteteve të zhvilluara në Hora e Arbëreshëve në Siçili, ditën e djeshme AKD ishte […]
Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi u mirëprit sot nga Kryetari i Bashkisë së Palermos
“Identiteti është zgjedhje!” Drejtoresha Ekzekutive e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi u mirëprit sot nga Kryetari i Bashkisë së Palermos, Prof. Leoluca Orlando. Në takim ishte prezent dhe Kryetari i Bashkisë së Horës […]
Gëzuar 533 vjetorin Hora e Arbëreshëve!
533 vjet që arbëreshët flasin shqip, ruajnë traditën, kulturën dhe zakonet e Arbërisë së tyre të dashur.
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës vlerëson kontributin e jashtëzakonshëm të këtij komuniteti dhe është pjesë e festimeve dhe aktiviteteve […]
Hora e Arbëreshëve feston 533 vjetorit e themelimit
Hora e Arbëreshëve (apo siç njihet në gjuhë italiane si Piani degli Albanesi) është komuniteti më i madh arbëresh i vendosur në Itali, në vitin 1488 e që sot numëron mbi 6 mijë banorë.
Qyteti ndodhet […]
grupi Arbëresh “Shega” viziton ambientet e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës
Pjesëtarët e grupit Arbëresh “Shega” vizituan sot ambientet e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, ku u njohën me veprimtarinë e Agjencisë si një institucion që ka për mision zhvillimin dhe konsolidimin e bashkëpunimit institucional me diasporën […]
Grupi Arbëresh “Shega” koncert tek “Reja“ në Tiranë
Më 25 gusht 2021, në orën 20:00, Grupi “Shega” do të zhvillojë koncert tek “Reja“ në Tiranë. Koncerti organizohet nga Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën, në kuadër të […]
Drejtoresha e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi ka zhvilluar sot një takim në qytetin e Gjirokastrës
Në përvjetorin e 16-të të përfshirjes së Gjirokastrës në UNESCO, Drejtoresha e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, znj. Sonila Hysi ka zhvilluar një takim në këtë qytet.
Në përvjetorin e 85-të të Gjeniut të Letrave shqipe, Ismail […]
Në ditën e dytë të vizitës në Kosovë drejtoresha e diasporës dhe përfaqësuesit e AKD-së zhvilluan takime me përfaqësues të komunave Ferizaj dhe Lipjanë
Në vijim të vizitës dy ditore, drejtoresha e diasporës, Znj. Hasanllari dhe përfaqësuesit e AKD-së zhvilluan takime me përfaqësues të komunave Ferizaj dhe Lipjanë në Kosovë. Qëllimi i takimeve është shkëmbimi i eksperiencës mbi koordinimin […]
Drejtoresha e Drejtorisë së Diasporës zhvilloi sot një takim me Sekretaren e Përgjithshme të Ministrisë për Punët e Brendshme në Kosovë
Drejtoresha e Drejtorisë së Diasporës, Znj. Klaudia Hasanllari dhe përfaqësues të sektorit të diasporës dhe projekteve në Agjencinë Kombëtare të Diasporës u takuan sot me Sekretaren e Përgjithshme të Ministrisë për Punët e Brendshme në […]
Shoqata “Bijtë e Shqipes” zhvillon ceremoninë e inagurimit të rindërtimit të shtëpive të dëmtuara nga termeti në fshatin Ishëm, Durrës
Shoqata “Bijtë e Shqipes” në Filadelfia në datën 6 korrik 2021 zhvilloi ceremoninë e inagurimit të rindërtimit të shtëpive të dëmtuara nga termeti në fshatin Ishëm, Durrës. Shoqata pas tërmetit të 26 nëntorit 2019 në […]
Nënshkruhet Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit mes Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Komitetit Olimpik Kombëtar Shqiptar
Sot, Drejtoresha e Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, Znj. Sonila Hysi dhe Presidenti i Komitetit Olimpik Kombëtar Shqiptar, Z. Fidel Ylli kanë firmosur një marrëveshje bashkëpunimi për promovimin, nxitjen dhe zhvillimin e aktiviteteve sportive të pjesëtarëve […]
The first Periodical for 2021 is published, “Albanian Diaspora”, Analysis and Studies
The first Periodical for 2021 is published, “Albanian Diaspora”, Analysis and Studies. This publication comes as a product of the Albanian Diaspora Development Fund, which is published every six months.
The publication of the III Periodical […]
The National Agency of Diaspora organized today the activity “International Remittances Day”
Sot, në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Remitancave, Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës, me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën dhe Bankës së Shqipërisë zhvilloi aktivitetin “Dita Ndërkombëtare e Remitancave”, duke vlerësuar kështu këtë kontribut të remitancave […]
The National Agency of Diaspora organizes the activity “International Remittances Day”
Më 16 qershor 2021, ora 10:30 Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës, me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën dhe Bankës së Shqipërisë do të organizojnë aktivitetin “Dita Ndërkombëtare e Remitancave”. Takimi do të zhvillohet në […]
Zhvillohet Takimi i Juristëve në Diasporë
Sot u zhvillua takimi me profesionistët shqiptarë të Diasporës në fushën e drejtësisë.
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës, me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën dhe Ministrisë së Drejtësisë zhvilloi aktivitetin online “Takimi i Juristëve në Diasporë”.
Diskutimi […]
Publikohet numri i parë (Mars 2021) i Buletinit për ecurinë e zbatimit të masave të Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare të Diasporës 2021-2025
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës ndjek zbatimin e masave të Planit të Veprimit nga institucionet përkatëse dhe informon çdo tre muaj publikun mbi ecurinë dhe procesin e zbatimit të masave të Planit të Veprimit, përmes publikimit […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës koncert për nxënësit e Ukrainës
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës në bashkëpunim me Ansamblin Kombëtar të Këngëve dhe Valleve Popullore organizoi një koncert me muzikë dhe valle tradicionale shqiptare për nxënësit nga Ukraina, të cilët po vizitojnë Shqipërinë gjatë këtyre ditëve. […]
Roli i Diasporës në integrimin e vendit
Në kuadër të programit “Angazhimi i Diasporës Shqiptare në Zhvillimin Social dhe Ekonomik të Shqipërisë” në takimin “Roli i Diasporës në Integrimin Evropian të Vendit”, të zhvilluar sot në Tiranë, janë prezantuar nëpërmjet një ceremonie […]
Programi i Takimit të Mjekësisë në Diasporë
Më 24 shkurt 2021, ora 10:00 Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën dhe Ministrisë së Shëndetësisë dhe Mbrojtjes Sociale do të zhvillojë aktivitetin online “Takimi i Mjekësisë në Diasporë”.
Diskutimi […]
Takimi i parë i Grupit të Koordinatorëve për zbatimin e Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë për Diasporën 2021-2025
Sot u mbajt online takimi i parë i Grupit të Koordinatorëve për Zbatimin e Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare për Diasporën (2021-2025). Grupi i Koordinatorëve, i përbërë nga zëvendësministrat e ministrive të linjës si […]
Artistët shqiptarë marrin pjesë në ekspozitën e artit në grup “Figura”, Greqi
Nga data 26 janar deri më 20 shkurt 2021, Galeria “ArtZone42” në Athinë, Greqi prezanton ekspozitën e artit në grup “Figura”. Në këtë ekspozitë marrin pjesë me punimet e tyre edhe artistët shqiptarë Beskida Kraja, […]
Shqipëria dhe Maqedonia e Veriut marrëveshje bashkëpunimi për Diasporën
Ditën e sotme në Tiranë është firmosur marrëveshja për bashkëpunimin në fushën e Diasporës mes qeverive të Shqipërisë dhe Maqedonisë së Veriut, midis ministrit të Punëve të Jashtme të Republikës së Maqedonisë, Z. Bujar Osmani […]
Nisma “Dhuro libra”, në katër ditë mblidhen mbi 7 mijë libra
Katër ditë nga fillimi i nismës “Dhuro Libra” për shtetasit shqiptarë që vuajnë heqjen e lirisë në burgjet e Italisë dhe Greqisë, pranë ambienteve të Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Qendrës së Botimeve për Diasporën […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës fton profesionistë të fushës së mjekësisë që jetojnë jashtë Shqipërisë të marrin pjesë në Takimin e dytë të mjekësisë në Diasporë
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës fton profesionistë të fushës së mjekësisë që jetojnë jashtë Shqipërisë të marrin pjesë në Takimin e dytë të mjekësisë në Diasporë, i cili do të zhvillohet më 24 shkurt 2021. Ky […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës dhuron në Shtëpinë Studio “Kadare” albumin “Kadare dhe Gjirokastra”
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës, me rastin e 85 vjetorit të shkrimtarit Ismail Kadare, dhuroi për Shtëpinë Studio “Kadare” më Tiranë disa kopje të albumit “Kadare dhe Gjirokastra”, album i realizuar nga Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës, […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës një album fotografik për 85 vjetorin e shkrimtarit Ismail Kadarenë
Me rastin e 85 vjetorit të ditëlindjes së shkrimtarit të madh të kombit, Ismail Kadare, Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës me mbështetjen e Ministrit të Shtetit për Diasporën, Z. Pandeli Majko ka realizuar albumin fotografik “Kadare […]
Programi “Migrim dhe Diasporë” vazhdon fazën e parë të trajnimeve
Programi “Migrim dhe Diasporë”, i cili ka synim fuqizimin e rolit të diasporës dhe migrantëve në zhvillimin ekonomik vendor në Shqipëri, ka vazhduar fazën e parë të trajnimeve me temë “Migration Governance and Migration and […]
Agreement / Ministry of Diaspora and IOM cooperation in diaspora projects
The Ministry of State for Diaspora and IOM (International Organization for Migration) has signed a cooperation agreement with common interests in terms of promotion and cooperation between Albanian communities living outside Albania and host countries.
According […]
National Diaspora Agency reports to the Subcommittee on Diaspora and Migration in the Albanian Parliament
Responsible Diaspora Agencies have reported their work during 2020 to the Subcommittee on Diaspora in the Albanian Parliament. It was estimated at the meeting that the basis of action of state institutions for 2021 will […]
The electronic journal of agreements of the Republic of Albania is published, in the field of insurance for Albanian citizens abroad
The magazine “State Arrangements in the Field of Insurance for Albanian Citizens Abroad” is a special electronic publication of the National Diaspora Agency.
The publication of the magazine is related to providing complete information to the […]
Për herë të parë, botohet revista e raportimeve vjetore të Koordinatorëve Shtetërorë për vitin 2020
Revista informuese “Raportimi i Koordinatorëve Shtetëror – 2020” është një botim i veçantë elektronik i Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës.
Revista paraqet raportimet vjetore të Koordinatorëve Shtetërorë për vitin 2020 për çështje që kanë të bëjnë me […]
Publikohet raporti “Diaspora e Shqipërisë në Shifra, 2020”
Në Ditën Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe në kuadër të zbatimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, INSTAT publikon raportin “Diaspora e Shqipërisë në Shifra, 2020”. Qëllimi i raportit është vlerësimi i numrit të Diasporës shqiptare dhe […]
Urim i Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës për Ditën e Diasporës Shqiptare
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës sot, në Ditën e Diasporës dhe Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Migracionit, përcjell urimet më të mira për pjesën e kombit që nuk jeton në vendlindje.
Diaspora shqiptare ka dhënë një kontribut themelor për […]
Botohet libri “Strategjia Kombëtare dhe Plani i Veprimit 2018-2024”, (përmbledhje dokumentesh)
Botohet libri “Strategjia Kombëtare dhe Plani i Veprimit 2018-2024”, si një dokument përmbledhës i punës së kryer nga institucionet përgjegjëse për zbatimin e Planit të Veprimit të Strategjisë Kombëtare për Diasporën 2018-2024. Aty janë përfshirë […]
Për herë të parë, financimi buxhetor për diasporën shqiptare bëhet pjesë e Programit Buxhetor Afatmesëm 2021 – 2023 të Republikës së Shqiperisë
Me propozimin e Ministrit të Financave dhe Ekonomisë, Këshilli i Ministrave ka miratuar Vendimin Nr.897, Datë 18.11.2020 “Për miratimin e dokumentit të programit buxhetor afatmesëm 2021-2023”, të rishikuar.
Ky vendim parashikon shpenzimet buxhetore për politikat shtetërore […]
Published “State Policy for Diaspora 2020”
The book “State Policy for the Diaspora 2020” is published. It is a summary of documents and acts implementing the National Diaspora Strategy. This book is an annual publication of the National Diaspora Agency.
The book […]
Zhvillohet takimi online me Oficerët Koordinues për Çështjet e Diasporës
Sot, Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës zhvilloi një takim virtual me Oficerët Koordinues për Çështjet e Diasporës në kuadër të Vendimit Nr. 780, datë 06.11.2019 “Për caktimin e Oficerëve Koordinues për Çështjet e Diasporës Shqiptare në […]
Njësia e Diasporës në Bashki / Ministri Majko takim me institucionet përgjegjëse
Ministri i Shtetit për Diasporën, z. Pandeli Majko zhvilloi sot një takim me Bekim Muratin, Drejtor i Agjencisë për Mbështetjen e Vetëqeverisjes Vendore, nënkryetarin e Bashkisë Tiranë, Arbjan Mazniku dhe dy përfaqësuesit e GIZ-it, Jonny […]
Mbërrijnë në Ukrainë fjalorët dhe pajisjet për Qendrën e Informacionit të Shqipërisë në Universitetin Humanitar Shtetëror të Izmailit
Mbërrijnë në Ukrainë 660 Fjalorët dygjuhësh Shqip-Ukrainisht të botuar nga Qendra e Botimeve për Diasporën dhe pajisje për Qendrën e Informacionit të Shqipërisë në Universitetin Humanitar Shtetëror të Izmailit.
Fjalorët dhe materialet e tjera janë dërguar […]
Publikohet manuali “Për krijimin e bazës të të dhënave shtetërore të studentëve të cilët studiojnë jashtë vendit, dhe shtetasve të huaj me origjinë shqiptare, të cilët përfitojnë bursa nga Republika e Shqipërisë”
Manuali është një botim i veçantë elektronik, i cili përmbledh aktet rregulluese për krijimin e Bazës së të dhënave shtetërore të studentëve, të cilët studiojnë jashtë vendit, dhe shtetasve të huaj me origjinë shqiptare, të […]
Publikohet revista elektronike informuese Projekti “Jam Shqiptar”
Revista informuese Projekti “Jam Shqiptar” është një botim i veçantë elektronik, i cili paraqet kuadrin ligjor rregullues për mënyrën e funksionimit për Shkollën Verore në Republikën e Shqipërisë.
Shkolla Verore, përmes programit “JAM SHQIPTAR”, është një […]
The third number (September 2020) of the Bulletin on the progress of the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy is published
The National Diaspora Agency monitors the implementation of the Action Plan measures by the relevant institutions and informs the public every three months on the progress and process of implementing the Action Plan measures, through […]
Publikohet revista elektronike “Shtetësia dhe Regjistrimi Jashtë Vendit për Shtetasit Shqiptarë”
Revista e shtetësisë dhe regjistrimit jashtë vendit për shtetasit shqiptarë është një botim i veçantë elektronik, i cili përmbledh kuadrin ligjor dhe informon lidhur me procesin e shtetësisë dhe regjistrimit të shtetasve shqiptarë jashtë vendit. […]
Publikohet revista elektronike e bursave për Diasporën në Republikën e Shqipërisë
Revista e bursave për Diasporën në Republikën e Shqipërisë është një botim i veçantë elektronik, i cili përmbledh aktet ligjore dhe nënligjore të miratuara lidhur me bursat për studentët e Diasporës në Republikën e Shqipërisë. […]
Firmoset marrëveshje bashkëpunimi mes Universitetit të Tiranës dhe Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës
Firmoset marrëveshje bashkëpunimi për ofrimin e kuotave të pranimit nga Universiteti i Tiranës për studentët e huaj me origjinë shqiptare të cilët përfitojnë bursë nga Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës për vitin akademik 2020-2021.
Rektori i Universitetit […]
Manual për dhënien e bursave dhe përcaktimin e kritereve, sipas programeve të studimit për shtetasit e huaj me origjinë shqiptare të cilët përfitojnë bursa studimi në Republikën e Shqipërisë.
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës duke patur parasysh objektin e veprimtarisë institucionale, duke vlerësuar rëndësinë e bashkëpunimit me Diasporën shqiptare me qëllim dhënien e bursave për shtetasit e huaj me origjinë shqiptare për të studiuar në […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës nisi drejt Ukrainës dërgesat për Qendrën e Informacionit të Shqipërisë në Universitetin Humanitar Shtetëror të Izmailit
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës në kuadër të Memorandumit të Bashkëpunimit me Universitetin Humanitar Shtetëror të Izmailit, nisi drejt Ukrainës dërgesat e 660 Fjalorëve dygjuhësh Shqip-Ukrainisht të botuar nga Qendra e Botimeve për Diasporën dhe pajisje […]
Firmoset Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit mes Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Agjencisë së Sigurimit të Cilësisë në Arsimin e Lartë (ASCAL)
Firmoset Marrëveshja e Bashkëpunimit mes Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Agjencisë së Sigurimit të Cilësisë në Arsimin e Lartë (ASCAL), për të përmbushur angazhimet në kuadër të Vendimit Nr. 686, datë 02.09.2020 të Këshillit të […]
Academic year 2020-2021 / The government approves for the first time 9 scholarships for students of Albanian origin
The Council of Ministers has decided in the next meeting to award 9 scholarships for foreign citizens of Albanian origin to study in the Republic of Albania, a proposal submitted by the Minister of State […]
The bilateral meeting takes place in preparation for the sixth Albanian-Kosovo intergovernmental meeting “G2G 6”
A bilateral meeting was held in Pristina in preparation for the sixth Albania-Kosovo intergovernmental meeting “G2G 6”. The National Diaspora Agency is represented in this meeting with Mr. Dritan Delija, Director of the Diaspora Directorate. […]
The National Strategy of the Albanian Diaspora 2021 – 2025 is approved
The Council of Ministers approved the National Strategy of the Albanian Diaspora and the Action Plan 2021 – 2025. The adopted document promotes the development of state policies for the inclusion and contribution of Albanian […]
Parliament approves amendments to the Law on Diaspora
Parliament has voted today in favor of changes to the Law on Diaspora, proposed changes after the creation of new structures for the Diaspora, the Center for Studies and Publications for the Arbëresh and the […]
The first Periodical for 2020 is published: Periodical 1/2020 Albanian Diaspora”
This publication comes as a product of the Albanian Diaspora Development Fund, which is published every six months. “Periodical 1/2020 Albanian Diaspora” consists of studies, reports, articles and opinions, mainly thanks to the contribution of […]
The draft law “On some additions and amendments to law no. 16/2018 on Diaspora” in the Committee on Foreign Policy
Today, the Committee on Foreign Policy reviewed the draft law “On some additions and amendments to law no. 16/2018 “On the Diaspora”, which comes as a proposal of a deputy in accordance with the Constitution […]
The second issue (June 2020) of the Bulletin on the progress of the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy is published
The National Diaspora Agency monitors the implementation of the Action Plan measures by the relevant institutions and informs the public every three months on the progress and process of implementing the Action Plan measures, through […]
The event is held to commemorate the entrance to the embassy and the beginning of the exodus of Albanians, on July 2, 1990
In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the ”Embassy Exodus”, the National Diaspora Agency with the support of the Minister of State for the Diaspora and in cooperation with the German Embassy held an event […]
The decision to establish a state database for Albanian students abroad is approved
On the proposal of the State Minister for Diaspora, the Council of Ministers has approved Decision no. 504, dated, 24.6.2020 on “Establishment of the state database of students studying abroad and foreign citizens of Albanian […]
The digital journal of the administrative structure on the diaspora and migration in local government is published
The magazine of the administrative structure for the diaspora and migration in local government is a special digital publication, which summarizes the legal acts adopted in relation to local self-government. Part of this magazine are […]
Members of the Diaspora Coordination Council held an online meeting on the right to vote with the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama
Members of the Diaspora Coordination Council held an online meeting with the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Edi Rama, to discuss the right to vote for Albanian citizens living abroad. The meeting was also attended […]
The meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the review of the National Diaspora Strategy and the Action Plan was held
Today, the second meeting of the inter-institutional working group was held to review the National Diaspora Strategy and Action Plan, established by Order no. 53, dated 9.4.2020 “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working group […]
International Family Remittances Day
June 16 is the International Family Remittance Day. Remittances represent the income that migrants send to their homeland for their families. This date is also an honor to the efforts of hundreds of thousands of […]
The Decision on some changes and additions to Decision no. 910, dated 21.12.2016, of the Council of Ministers is approved
The Council of Ministers has approved the Decision no. 456, dated 10.6.2020 “On some changes and additions to Decision no. 910 dated 21.12.2016 of the Council of Ministers “On issues, object of consultation and structure, […]
The memorandum of cooperation to coordinate the work for the establishment of the administrative structure for the diaspora and migration in local government is signed
The State Minister for Diaspora, together with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Association for Local Autonomy have signed a memorandum of cooperation to coordinate work in order […]
The Diaspora Coordinating Council holds the second official online meeting
Yesterday, members of the Diaspora Coordinating Council held their second official online meeting. The meeting was attended by the State Minister for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko, and the Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, […]
The State Program for supporting the empowerment and engagement of the Albanian Diaspora is approved
Proposed by the State Minister for Diaspora, the Council of Ministers approved Decision no. 419, dated 27/05/2020 “On the approval of the state program for supporting the empowerment and engagement of the Albanian diaspora”.
The program […]
The meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the revision of the National Diaspora Strategy and the Action Plan took place
Today, the first meeting of the inter-institutional working group was held to revise the National Diaspora Strategy and Action Plan, established by Order no. 53, dated 9.4.2020 “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working group […]
The Annual Report of the Statistical Data on Foreigners in Italy, 2019
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in Italy publishes “The Annual Report of the Statistical Data on Foreigners in Italy, 2019”. This report contains statistical data and detailed socio-demographic characteristics on the Albanian community […]
International Nurses Day
Today, on the International Nurses Day, we would like to thank and express our gratitude to the Albanian nurses. Unlimited gratitude to the Albanian nurses in the Diaspora, for their contribution to the health system […]
The Executive Director of the National Agency of Diaspora is assigned
Mrs. Sonila Hysi Ruka has been appointed as the executive director of the National Agency of Diaspora. She holds a BA in Finance from State University of New York”/ Empire State College, USA (2004-2009). In […]
Members of the Albanian Diaspora, in cooperation and continuous solidarity with their compatriots
The engagement of Albanian Diaspora entrepreneurs has increased day by day during the period of coronavirus pandemic. There have been many individuals who, through food aid and medical equipment, have helped their compatriots in host […]
Order No.53, is approved dated 9.4.2020 “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working group for the review of the National Diaspora Strategy and the Action Plan”
On the proposal of the Minister of State for the Diaspora, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania approves the order for the establishment of the inter-institutional working group for the revision of the […]
Is published the first Bulletin (march 2020) on the progress of the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy
The National Diaspora Agency monitors the implementation of the action plan measures by the relevant institutions and informs the public every three months on the progress and process of implementing the action plan measures, through […]
Communication of the Diaspora Coordinating Council
As CCD, we are following the situation created by COVID-19 and we are fully committed to the Albanian Community in the countries where we live so that this situation passes as easily and with as […]
Engagement of Albanian Diaspora doctors
Diaspora in the field of medicine is among the most advanced and updated professional communities with technological and scientific progress. The engagement of Albanian doctors in the Diaspora has increased day by day during the […]
Announcement of the cancellation of the Diaspora Lawyers’ Meeting on April 4
Dear participants of the Diaspora Lawyers’ Meeting,
Please be advised that, due to the situation created by COVID-19, the meeting scheduled for April 4 is postponed indefinitely.
We thank and express our gratitude to all Diaspora professionals […]
A Statement of the Diaspora Coordination Council
Given the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coordinating Council of Albanian Diaspora:
Calls upon the political parties both in Albanian and Kosovo to exercise proper level of maturity in managing this unprecedented situation.
We call […]
Virtual Diaspora Lawyer Meeting on April 4
Dear Participants of the Diaspora Lawyers’ Meeting on April 4,
Please be informed that, due to the situation created by COVID-19 and the measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus, the meeting will be […]
Meeting with the Coordinator Group on the implementation of Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy
Today, the next meeting of the Coordinators’ Group for the implementation of the National Diaspora Strategy Action Plan was held. At this meeting, chaired by the Minister of State for Diaspora, the Coordinators’ Group was […]
An memorandum of cooperation is signed between National Agency of Diaspora and Order of Physicians of Albania
The Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, Ms. Elona Bano had a Working meeting with the President of the National Council of the Order of Physicians of Albania, Mr. Fatmir Brahimaj, where they discussed […]
Meeting Panels of Medicine in Diaspora
The second part of the meeting was held in two panels” “Employment policies and programs in the health sector” and “Innovations in Albanian health and success cases”.
The panel discussions focused mainly on health policies, employment […]
Diaspora Medical Meeting is taking place
Today, the Diaspora Medical Meeting is taking place, a special meeting dedicated to medical professionals, including Albanian doctors with professional activities in the Diaspora and doctors from the Diaspora who have returned to their country […]
Takimi i Mjekësisë në Diasporë
Medical Meeting in the Diaspora
Tomorrow, February 20, 2020, the Meeting of Medicine in the Diaspora will be organized in cooperation with the Minister of State for the Diaspora, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, […]
Hearings are held in the subcommittee “On Diaspora and Migration”
In the subcommittee “On Diaspora and Migration” a hearing was held with the participation of the Minister of State of Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko and CEOs: Mimoza Hysa from the Diaspora Publishing Center (QED), Ms. […]
Executive Director of National Diaspora Agency in the activity of “ANIAS”
Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, Mrs. Elona Bano, participated in an event organized by the Italian-Albanian Network Association “ANIAS” in Rome, on “100 Years of Albanian Parliamentarianism and Investment Promotion in Albania”.
The activity […]
Draft Medical Meeting Program in the Diaspora
The National Agency of the Diaspora invites professionals in the field of medicine living outside Albania to participate in the Meeting of Medicine in the Diaspora, which will take place on February 20 in Tirana.
You […]
The National Diaspora Agency activity in Thessaloniki, Greece
A concert with well-known Albanian artists Inva Mula, Olen Cesari and Genc Tukiçi Was held in Thessaloniki, organized by The National Diaspora Agency.
The meeting of the Steering Committee of the National Diaspora Agency is held
The Governing Council of the National Diaspora Agency held today the first meeting for 2020, which was chaired by the Chairman of this Council, Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
During the […]
The National Diaspora Agency publishes the Annual Report for 2019
The report is a summary of the institutional functions and activities out by the Agency and serves to inform relevant institutions about the Agency’s activities and achievements during 2019 as well as presenting a forecast […]
Is published the electronic journal of the first meeting of the Diaspora Coordination Council
Magazine “The first meeting of the Diaspora Coordination Council” is a special electronic publication that summarizes all the decisions adopted during the first meeting, held on December 18 in Tirana.
The Diaspora Coordination Council is a […]
The “Central and Eastern European Forum 2020” conference in Vienna
Minister of State for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko is attending the two-day conference “The Central and Eastern European Forum 2020”, which is being held in Vienna, Austria. The focus of the conference is the economic […]
Bulletin December 2019 on the progress of implementation of measures of the National Diaspora Strategy Action Plan
The National Diaspora Agency monitors the implementation of the Action Plan measures by the relevant institutions and informs the public every three months on the progress and process of implementing the Action Plan measures, through […]
Published “State Policy for Diaspora 2019”
The annual publication of the National Diaspora Agency “State policy in Diaspora 2019” is the successive publication of “State policy on the Diaspora 2018”. This volume praises the implementation of the Republic of Albania’s state […]
The meeting of the Steering Council of the National Diaspora Agency is taking place
The Steering Council of the National Agency of the Diaspora held today the next meeting, which was chaired by the chairman of this Council, Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. During […]
The Diaspora Coordinating Council wishes all compatriots wherever the end of the year holidays
The Diaspora Coordinating Council wishes all compatriots wherever the end-of-year holidays. May 2020 be a better year than the one we are leaving behind. Bring as much love, understanding, health, peace and cooperation between sisters […]
Humanitarian Concert for Albania
Three great soprano artists Inva Mula, cellist Olen Cesari and pianist Genc Tukiçi performed together at a concert at the National Theater of Zadar, Croatia, organized by the National Diaspora Agency and the Embassy of […]
Members of the Diaspora Coordination Council held a meeting this afternoon with the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Mr. Lulzim Basha
Mr. Basha thanked the personalities of the Diaspora for their willingness to contribute to the development and progress of Albania and said that the Democratic Party welcomes and supports the cooperation with the Albanian Diaspora […]
Members of the Diaspora Coordination Council held a meeting with the Speaker of the Assembly, Mr. Gramoz Ruçi
Mr. Ruçi thanked the members of the Council for their responsibility and contribution to this important structure of cooperation of the Albanian state with the Diaspora.
Some of the main issues on which the members of […]
The first meeting of the Diaspora Coordination Council
On December 18th, the National Diaspora Day in Albania, was held the first meeting of the Diaspora Coordination Council, with the aim of discussing the further work and functioning of this Council.
The meeting was opened […]
The next meeting of the Coordinators Group for the implementation of Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy
The Group of Coordinators for the implementation of the National Diaspora Strategy Action Plan, chaired by the Minister of State for Diaspora, held the last meeting for this year. The Coordinators’ Group, consisting of representatives […]
Visiting the Netherlands / At the national holiday event and the “Xhubleta” activity
Minister of State for Diaspora Pandeli Majko participated in the event for national holidays and the activity “Jubleta”, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in The Hague in cooperation with the National […]
The activity of the National Diaspora Agency in New York
The activity of the Albanian Diaspora in New York organized by the National Diaspora Agency started with a minute of silence, in a conversation with the artists of the National Opera Theater Ensemble and Ballet […]
Students of “Petro Nini Luarasi” visit the Bulgarian Arbëresh
Students from Albania visit for the first time the Albanian Embassy in Sofia in the framework of the program for the exploration of the Albanian identity, organized this weekend the visit of the students of […]
Albanian students in Italy present their study on cultural monuments
Albanian students of architecture in Italy presented the findings of their study, conducted a few months ago, at some of the Albanian cultural monuments. These conclusions are presented at a meeting organized by the International […]
National Concert Ensemble for the Albanian Community in Ukraine
The National Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances went up Thursday night on the stage of the Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy in Odessa with a diverse traditional repertoire at a concert dedicated to the […]
Visit to Ukraine, meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education and Culture
Today, the Minister of State for Diaspora held a meeting with Deputy Minister of Education Mrs. Mandzii Lubomira. The focus of this meeting was the discussion about the relations between two countries and students of […]
Visit to Ukraine, meeting with the Deputy Minister for European Integration and the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy
The State Minister of Diaspora is having a work visit to Ukraine. Yesterday, accompanied by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Albania to Ukraine, Mr. Shahin Omarov held a working meeting with the Deputy […]
“Fustanella” Albanian in Otranto
This weekend, in Otranto, Italy was the cultural activity “Fustanella – Adriatic Bridge”, organized by the National Diaspora Agency in collaboration with the Polo Biblio Museale of Apulia, “Integra Solidale”, the Municipality of Otranto and […]
Is published the third Bulletin (September 2019) on the progress of the implementation of the measures of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy
The national Diaspora Agency monitors the implementation of the Action Plan measures by the relevant institutions and informs the public every three months on the progress and the process of implementing the Acton Plan measures, […]
Begins the work for the right of voting in the Diaspora
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania has approved the establishment of an inter-institutional working group, which aims to draft a legal package to guarantee the right of the Albanians to vote in the […]
Consultation meeting of the CCD
Today, the Minister of State for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko held his first meeting with members of the Diaspora Coordination Council in Düsseldorf, Germany, a meeting facilitated by the member of the Diaspora Coordination Council, […]
On the day of the pensioners in Tyushki, Albanian daces are danced
During the lesson of Albanian dance and culture also in the village of Tyushki, Ukraine. Professional dancers of the Albanian National Ensemble participated in an event organized for the day of the pensioners in this […]
Albanian dances in the Albanian community on Divnyns’ke
Traditional dance lessons in Albanian communities in Ukraine continue. This time in Albanian community at Divnyns’ke. Teaching Albanian dance in Ukraine is a program implemented by the National Diaspora Agency in collaboration with the National […]
Albanian dances are taught for the first time in Gamovka
For the first time, members of the Albanian community in Gamovka, Ukraine, are learning traditional Albanian dances with professional dancers from the Albanian National Ensemble. These lessons are being conducted by the National Diaspora Agency […]
The next meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the order 180/2018
Today, in the next meeting with the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the order 180/2018 as part of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy 2018 – 2024.
The working group for drafting the legal package for guaranteeing the right to vote to Albanian citizens outside the territory of Albania is established
Work begins on drafting a legal package to guarantee the right to vote of Albanian citizens outside the territory of Albania.
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania has approved the establishment of an inter-institutional […]
The digital magazine of the Coordination Council of Diaspora is published
The digital magazine of the Coordination Council of Diaspora is published. It contains a summary of the legal framework for the creation of this structure, which is the first structure in the history of the […]
Representatives of the National Agency for Diaspora meet with the two rectors of the National Radio Technical University in Kharkov
During the visit to Ukraine, the Representatives of the National Diaspora Agency and the Honorary Consul of Albania in Ukraine, Mr. Shahin Omanov held a meeting with the two rectors of the National Radio Technical […]
The magazine “State Committee for Diaspora” is published
The electronic magazine “State Committee for Diaspora” is a complete overview of all decisions adopted and structures responsible for the development and implementation of state policies on Diaspora.
The committee plays an important role in […]
Memorandum of Cooperation with the Educational Institution “Azimuth”, Ukraine
The Honorary Consul of Albania in Ukraine, Mr. Shahin Omanov signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Azimuth Educational Institution in Priazov. Also present were representatives of the National Diaspora Agency, which will support this […]
The National Diaspora Agency representatives meet the Albanian community in Devnja
In Ukraine, two representatives of the National Diaspora Agency met with residents of the village of Devnja. About 60% of the population of this village have Albanian origin.
During the conversation with them, representatives from […]
Representatives of the National Diaspora Agency in Ukraine
Representatives from the National Agency of Diaspora met with the Deputy Governor of the Zaporizhzhya region in Ukraine, Mr. Gygnii Eduard Anatolievich. During their visit, they were accompanied by the Honorary Consul of Republic Albania […]
Meeting with the Coordinator Group for the implementation of “Action Plan of the National Strategy for Diaspora”
In the next meeting with the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the “Action Plan of the National Strategy for Diaspora 2018-2024”, was summarized the work carried out by the Coordinators Group so far, and […]
The director of the National Agency of Diaspora held a working meeting in Croatia
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss institutional cooperation on Diaspora issues and support for the Albanian community in Croatia, in particular the Arbëresh of Zadar, which are an important part of the cultural […]
Public Consultation: Revision of the National Strategy for Diaspora
Under the expertise of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), based on the discussions during the closing session of the second edition of the Diaspora Summit, some changes have been proposed for the National Strategy […]
The Governing Council of the National Agency of Diaspora held a meeting today
During the meeting, the State Minister of Diaspora, Mr Pandeli Majko and members of the council discussed the activities carried out by this institution.
The Executive Director of the Agency, Ms Etleva Kondi gave a short […]
The Director of the National Agency of Diaspora visits the Albanian community in Bulgaria
The Director of the National Agency of Diaspora, Ms. Etleva Kondi visits the Albanian community in Bulgaria. She met with the Mayor of Ivaylovgrad, Ms. Diana Ovcarova and other members of the Albanian community in […]
The second issue of the Bulletin is published on the implementation of the measures included in the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy
The National Agency of Diaspora published the second edition of the Bulletin on the implementation of the measures included in the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy 2018-2024.
This publication is a full overview of […]
Decision on “Organizing the Teaching Process and Selection of Diaspora Teachers” is approved
The Council of Ministers has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora and the Minister of Education, Sports and Youth for “Organizing the Teaching Process and Selection of Diaspora Teachers”.
The purpose of […]
In Karakurt during the lessons of traditional dances with the dancers of the Albanian National Ensemble
The children of the Albanian community will have the opportunity to learn traditional Albanian dances from the professional dancers of the Albanian National Ensemble for the next ten days. This cycle of lessons is part […]
The Joint Commission of Albania and Kosovo for the Approval of Textbooks for Diaspora held its second meeting
The Joint Commission of Albania and Kosovo for the Approval of Textbooks for Diaspora held its second meeting in Pristina.
The meeting focused on having a plan and announcing the competition for drafting and approving textbooks […]
The first Diaspora informative application will soon be launched
Albanians around the world will be able to get real-time updates that involve the Albanian diaspora. This is made possible through the development of the new app “Diaspora Shqiptare”.
The application aims to provide information on […]
Modified Law / Municipalities in Albania will have Diaspora and Migration Offices
The Assembly of the Republic of Albania approved the proposal of the Council of Ministers for amendment and some additions to Law no. 139/2015 “On Local Self-Government”. This is an initiative of the State Minister […]
The director of the National Agency of Diaspora meets with German state officials
In Germany, the director of the National Agency of Diaspora, Ms. Etleva Kondi met with Mr.Burkhhard Jasper, a member of the state parliament of Lower Saxony, as well as other senior representatives of the German […]
Next meeting of the group of coordinators for the Implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy for the Diaspora
Today was held the next meeting of the group of coordinators for the Implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy for the Diaspora where the progress of the implementation of the measures of […]
Minister attends the 30th anniversary of the Migjeni Association in Slovenia
The State Minister of Diaspora, Mr Pandeli Majko attended the 30th anniversary of the Albanian cultural association “Migjeni” in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“Migjeni” is the first Albanian association in the former Yugoslavia, which has done a tremendous […]
The XXVI cultural folklore festival for ethnic minorities in Italy
Representatives from the National Agency of Diaspora attended the XXVI Cultural Folklore Festival for Ethnic Minorities in Santa Caterina Albanese, Calabria (Italy) organized on June 1st 2019.
The region of Calabria has a large number of […]
The National Agency of Diaspora signs an agreement with the National Theater of Opera and Ballet of Albania
The director of the National Agency of Diaspora, Ms Etleva Kondi signed a cooperation agreement with the Director of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet of Albania, Ms Zana Çela, for preserving and promoting […]
First meeting of the Albania-Kosovo Joint Commission for the approval of textbooks for Diaspora
The State Minister of Diaspora attended the first meeting of the Albanian-Kosovo Joint Commission for the approval of textbooks for Diaspora, which was established under an agreement between the two countries “On being organized for […]
Assignment of a person responsible for the protection of rights of Albanian citizens abroad deprived of their liberty
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania approved the Order on “Establishing a working group and appointing a person responsible for the protection of rights of Albanian citizens abroad deprived of their liberty, the […]
The Director of the National Agency of Diaspora visits the Arbëresh community in Chieuti
The Director of the National Agency of Diaspora, Ms. Etleva Kondi attended the inauguration ceremony for our national hero Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu in the municipality of Chieuti, Italy.
She highlighted the great work done by the […]
Approval of the status of the Coordination Council of Diaspora
The Council of Ministers approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora to grant a special status to the members of the Coordination Council of Diaspora. According to this decision, members of the Coordination […]
Meeting of the State Committee on Diaspora
Representatives of the State Committee on Diaspora held a meeting today. State Minister of Diaspora gave a presentation on the progress made so far in regards to the state structure for diaspora, including various activities […]
Assignment of the state coordinator for driving licenses for Albanian citizens abroad
The Prime Minister approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora for assigning a state coordinator that will coordinate state agreements for mutual recognition of driving licenses for Albanian citizens living abroad.
The Deputy Minister […]
Next meeting with the inter-institutional working group for the establishment of the Diaspora Pavilion at the National Historical Museum
Today, the Minister of State for the Diaspora held the next meeting with the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the Prime Minister’s order 181/2018 to make the Diaspora pavilion functional at the National […]
Bulletin on the implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Diaspora is now published
The Bulletin, published by the National Strategy on Diaspora every three months, gives an overview of the progress made so far in regards to the implementation of the measures included in the Action Plan of […]
Decision for returning unused funds for the Diaspora Summit to the state budget is approved
The Council of Ministers has approved the decision for returning unused funds for the Second Diaspora Summit to the state budget. According to this decision, the Department of Government Services responsible for funds management of […]
Members of the Coordination Council of Albanian Diaspora are approved
Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 195, dated 05.05.2019 is now approved. In cooperation with the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania, the […]
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës merr pjesë në Panairin e Turizmit Ndërkombëtar Tirana 2019
Agjencia Kombëtare e Diasporës merr pjesë në Panairin e Turizmit Ndërkombëtar Tirana 2019 i cili po zhvillohet në ambientet e “Expo City”. Ky panair, pjesë e Programit Shtetëror të Aktiviteteve për Diasporën, publikuar në faqen […]
Three orders of the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Diaspora are abolished
The Prime Minister approved the request of the State Minister of Diaspora to abolish the following orders, order no. 135, order no. 136 and order no. 138 of the Action Plan of the National Strategy […]
The National Agency of Diaspora published its annual report
The National Agency of Diaspora published its annual report for 2018. The report gives a summary of the activities and financial statement of the Agency. Also, it includes a list of the activities planned for […]
The working group meeting on the establishment of the Diaspora Pavilion at the National Museum of History
The inter-institutional working group met to discuss the work done so far in regards to the establishment of the Diaspora Pavilion at the National Museum of History.
Members of the group agreed to hold a final […]
Coordinators meeting for the implementation of the National Strategy on Diaspora
The group of coordinators held a meeting for the implementation of the National Strategy on Diaspora 2018-2024.
They discussed the publication of the Bulletin (March 2019) of the Action Plan for the implementation of the […]
“Ambassador of the Nation” award presented for the first time
The Second Diaspora Summit ended yesterday with the delivery of the “Ambassador of the Nation” award to the most devoted representatives of the Albanian community in the world. These individuals are integrated in the hosting […]
During the Gala event of the “Golden Eagle” awards
On the gala event organized for the Second Diaspora Summit where individuals and associations who contributed to the preservation and promotion of Albanian culture, were awarded with Golden Eagle award.
The next meeting of the Steering Council of the National Agency of the Diaspora, the annual report 2018, the developed activity and the financial statements are discussed
The Steering Council of the National Agency for the Diaspora held today the next meeting which was chaired by the chairman of this council, Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The […]
The National Coordinator for informing Diaspora introduced at the last meeting of the interinstitutional group for measure 51
The National Coordinator for informing Diaspora, Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj was introduced at the meeting of the interinstitutional group for measure 51 included in the Action Plan. Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj serves as the Director of Programming […]
Meeting on establishing a platform with special programs in the RTSH Diaspora
The interinstitutional working group on establishing a platform with special programs for learning the Albanian language, culture and national identity, discussed some specific projects that will be part of the RTSH Diaspora. Additionally, the group […]
Approval of the establishment of the state register for teachers of the Albanian language and certificates for students in Diaspora
The Council of Ministers has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora to establish a state register for teachers of the Albanian language and culture in Diaspora. This register will contain a list […]
Study abroad scholarships, the state coordinator is appointed
The Prime Minister has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora to appoint a state coordinator responsible for study programs and donors that offer study abroad scholarships. The Deputy Minister of Education, Sports […]
Preparations for RTSh television program dedicated to Diaspora discussed in a meeting
The inter-institutional working group for the preparation of a television program platform, special programs, Albanian language teaching, shows on Albanian culture and national identity dedicated to Diaspora, held a regular meeting today and discussed proposals […]
The National Coordinator for overseeing the process of informing the Albanian Diaspora is appointed
Director of Programming and Development at the National Agency for Information Society (AKSHI), Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj, is appointed as the state coordinator for informing the Albanian Diaspora.
The State Coordinator for informing Diaspora will focus on […]
The state program of activities of Albanian Diaspora is published
The state program of activities of Albanian Diaspora is the first document of its kind in implementing the National Strategy on Diaspora.
The calendar below provides a list of activities that are scheduled for 2019. These […]
Deputy Foreign Minister has been appointed as the State Coordinator for Insurance Agreements for the Albanian Diaspora
The Prime Minister has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora for appointing a coordinator that will oversee the negotiating process of insurance of Albanian citizens living abroad; the new coordinator is the […]
Study visit to Rome, Italy
Different representatives of state institutions managing relations with Diaspora conducted a study visit to Rome, Italy.
The purpose of the visit was to gain and exchange experience for increasing the capacity of the Albanian government, institutions […]
The Steering Council of the National Agency of Diaspora discusses 2019 budget
The Steering Council of the National Agency of Diaspora, in a regular meeting held today and chaired by the President of the Council Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, discussed the […]
Official proposals for candidates for the Coordination Council of Diaspora
There is already a list of candidates for the Coordination Council of Diaspora, which was proposed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Given the circumstances of the Second Diaspora Summit and after discussing it […]
Agreement between the National Agency of Diaspora and the prestigious company “OC International”
The National Agency of Diaspora has signed a cooperation agreement for organizing cultural activities with a company led by the well-known Albanian violinist, Mr. Olen Çezari.
According to the agreement, signed by the Director of the […]
Invitation of the Prime Minister Edi Rama for the Second Albanian Diaspora Summit
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albanian Edi Rama has issues an open invitation to the members of Diaspora for participation in the Second Diaspora Summit.
The invitation is also address to personalities of Diaspora […]
Online registration for the Second Albanian Diaspora Summit is now open
Online registration for all those interested in participating in the Second Diaspora Summit is now open at the website of the Summit. To download your online invitation you ought to submit general personal data, place […]
Inter-institutional working group launches process for realization of the platform of programs to be broadcast in RTSH Diaspora
Meeting of the inter-institutional working group on the implementation of order no. 180 of the Prime Minister “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working group for having a platform of programs for learning Albanian language, […]
The history of the Albanian Diaspora will have a dedicated pavilion at the National Museum of History
The interinstitutional working group met today to discuss the necessary steps for establishing a Pavilion dedicated to Diaspora at the National Museum of History.
State Minister of Diaspora and representatives from the ministries of culture, education, […]
Inter-Institutional Working Group, discussions on the Diaspora Information Network
The focus of the inter-institutional working group on Order no. 136 measure 51 of the “Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy on Diaspora” was on finding ways to inform the Albanian community […]
The 2018 bulletin “On the measures of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy on Diaspora” is now published
The Bulletin, which is published by the National Agency of Diaspora contains information on the implementation of the “Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy on Diaspora 2018-2024”
This publication shows the actions taken […]
2019 the year of Albanian cultural activities in Diaspora
Meeting of the inter-institutional working group on implementation of measures 2 and 54 of the Action Plan for the National Strategy on Diaspora took place today. At the meeting, the State Minister of Diaspora and […]
Meeting of Coordinators Group for the implementation of Order no. 98 “On the implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Diaspora” takes place
During the meeting, the State Minister of Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko gave a summary of the work that they have done during 2018, within the framework of the National Strategy on Diaspora, with a special […]
“Albania’s Diaspora in Numbers” study is now published
INSTAT with the support of the State Minister for Diaspora published for the first time a study on Diaspora, “Data on the Albanian Diaspora”.
The study was based on indirect assessments conducted during 2018. According to […]
The Executive Director of the Agency signs a cooperation agreement with the Italian eCampus University
Yesterday, the National Diaspora Agency signed a cooperation agreement with the Italian eCampus University. The Executive Director of the Agency, Mr. Dritan Delija and the General Director of eCampus University, Mr. Alfonso Lovito with the […]
Minister Majko and Mr. Delija attend a conference in Milan, Italy
The State Minister for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko, the Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, Mr. Dritan Delija and the Director of the Albanian Diaspora Development Fund, Ms. Soana Jaupllari, attended the conference “Investing […]
Meeting of the Coordinators Group on the Implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan
Third meeting of the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan (2018-2024) took place today at the premises of the Prime Minister’s Office. The Coordinators Group is responsible for the implementation of […]
Minister Majko and Mr. Delija meet high-level Irish representatives
During their visit, the State Minister for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko, and the Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, Mr. Dritan Delija, met with Mr. James Farrell from the Investment Development Agency in Ireland. […]
Minister Majko meets with the State Minister for Diaspora and International Development of Ireland, Mr. Cannon
The State Minister for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko met with the State Minister for Diaspora and International Development of Ireland, Mr. Ciarán Cannon. Mr. Majko and Mr. Cannon discussed about the possibility of having a […]
The second meeting of the State Diaspora Committee
The second meeting of the State Diaspora Committee took place today in the Prime Minister’s Office. The mission of the Committee led by the Prime Minister and the main ministers is to lead the orientation of […]
“Diaspora Businesses Week” meeting
The State Minister for Diaspora, Mr. Pandeli Majko and the Executive Director of the National Diaspora Agency, Mr. Dritan Delija, attended the “Diaspora Businesses Week” event organized in Pristina. About 300 Diaspora businesses had the […]
The second meeting of the Steering Council of the National Diaspora Agency was held
Today, on October 5th 2018, was held the second meeting of the Governing Council of the National Diaspora Agency, with representatives from the State Minister for Diaspora, the National Diaspora Agency and other line ministries. […]
First meeting of the Governing Council of the National Diaspora Agency
Today, we held the first meeting of the Governing Council of the National Diaspora Agency. The Governing Council, which consists of representatives from the State Minister for Diaspora and some other ministries, serves as the […]
Second meeting of the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan
Second meeting of the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan (2018-2024) took place today at the premises of the Prime Minister’s Office. The Coordinators Group, which consists of representatives from the […]
The first Bulletin for the Implementation of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy (2018-2024) is now published
This is the first Bulletin for the implementation of the measures included in the action plan, which aims to inform the public and responsible institutions.
The Bulletin provides an assessment of the institutions’ actions in addressing […]
First meeting of the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan
First meeting of the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the Diaspora Strategy Plan (2018-2024) took place today at the premises of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Coordinators from the respective institutions, led by the State Minister […]
Albanian Diaspora Summit II
The Albanian Diaspora Summit will take place soon in Tirana. The summit aims to gather various Albanian associations, distinguished personalities and compatriots from over 30 countries around the world. The aim of the summit is to establish […]