Te rejat e Fundit

“Ambassador of the Nation” award presented for the first time

The Second Diaspora Summit ended yesterday with the delivery of the “Ambassador of the Nation” award to the most devoted representatives of the Albanian community in the world. These individuals are integrated in the hosting countries, but at the same time they are dedicated to preserving the language, culture and tradition of Albania. Through their […]

By |March 19th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

During the Gala event of the “Golden Eagle” awards

On the gala event organized for the Second Diaspora Summit where individuals and associations who contributed to the preservation and promotion of Albanian culture, were awarded with Golden Eagle award.

By |March 19th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

During the Second Diaspora Summit

By |March 19th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

The next meeting of the Steering Council of the National Agency of the Diaspora, the annual report 2018, the developed activity and the financial statements are discussed

The Steering Council of the National Agency for the Diaspora held today the next meeting which was chaired by the chairman of this council, Mr. Etjen Xhafaj, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The Annual Report of the National Diaspora Agency was discussed during this meeting. The Executive Director of the Agency, Mr. Dritan […]

By |March 18th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

The National Coordinator for informing Diaspora introduced at the last meeting of the interinstitutional group for measure 51

The National Coordinator for informing Diaspora, Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj was introduced at the meeting of the interinstitutional group for measure 51 included in the Action Plan. Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj serves as the Director of Programming and Development at the National Agency for Information Society. As a coordinator, he will oversee the implementation of measure 51 […]

By |March 16th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

Meeting on establishing a platform with special programs in the RTSH Diaspora

The interinstitutional working group on establishing a platform with special programs for learning the Albanian language, culture and national identity, discussed some specific projects that will be part of the RTSH Diaspora. Additionally, the group focused on various programs that will be dedicated to different target groups of the Albanian communities in the world.

By |March 16th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

Approval of the establishment of the state register for teachers of the Albanian language and certificates for students in Diaspora

The Council of Ministers has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora to establish a state register for teachers of the Albanian language and culture in Diaspora. This register will contain a list of teachers who have the right to teach the Albanian language and culture in Diaspora. The register will also include […]

By |March 1st, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

Study abroad scholarships, the state coordinator is appointed

The Prime Minister has approved the proposal of the State Minister of Diaspora to appoint a state coordinator responsible for study programs and donors that offer study abroad scholarships. The Deputy Minister of Education, Sports and Youth, Mr. Redi Shtino is appointed as the state coordinator.

The Deputy Minister of Education, Sports and Youth is responsible […]

By |February 20th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

Preparations for RTSh television program dedicated to Diaspora discussed in a meeting

The inter-institutional working group for the preparation of a television program platform, special programs, Albanian language teaching, shows on Albanian culture and national identity dedicated to Diaspora, held a regular meeting today and discussed proposals submitted by respective ministries. The television programs and shows are dedicated to Albanians living abroad.

The main purpose of this working […]

By |February 14th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments

The National Coordinator for overseeing the process of informing the Albanian Diaspora is appointed

Director of Programming and Development at the National Agency for Information Society (AKSHI), Mr. Fatjon Hallkaj, is appointed as the state coordinator for informing the Albanian Diaspora.

The State Coordinator for informing Diaspora will focus on implementing measure 51, which is included in the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Diaspora. The National Strategy on […]

By |February 12th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|0 Comments