The book “State Policy for the Diaspora 2020” is published. It is a summary of documents and acts implementing the National Diaspora Strategy. This book is an annual publication of the National Diaspora Agency.
The book “State Policy for Diaspora 2020” is the third annual publication. It is the next publication of the books “State Policy for Diaspora 2018” and “State Policy for Diaspora 2019”.
The book “State Policy for the Diaspora 2020” is an indicator of the progress of the implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Albania for the Albanian Diaspora during 2020.
Ky libër boton për herë të parë dokumentin e Strategjisë Kombëtare të Diasporës dhe Planin e Veprimit 2021-2025 të miratuar me Vendimin e Këshillit të Ministrave Nr.585, datë 22.07.2020. Ajo do të zëvendësojë Strategjinë Kombëtare të Diasporës 2018-2024 duke filluar nga 1 janari 2021.
The documents included in the Book “State Policy for the Diaspora 2020” serve to inform the public inside and outside the country about the progress of the activity of state institutions as well as the new legislation for the interests of the Albanian Diaspora.
You can read the publication at the following link: