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So far Altin Selimi has created 334 blog entries.

The next meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the order 180/2018

Today, in the next meeting with the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the order 180/2018 as part of the Action Plan of the National Diaspora Strategy 2018 – 2024.

By |September 30th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on The next meeting of the inter-institutional working group for the implementation of the order 180/2018

The working group for drafting the legal package for guaranteeing the right to vote to Albanian citizens outside the territory of Albania is established

Work begins on drafting a legal package to guarantee the right to vote of Albanian citizens outside the territory of Albania.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania has approved the establishment of an inter-institutional working group, which aims to draft a legal package to guarantee the right to vote of Albanians in the Diaspora.

The […]

By |September 30th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on The working group for drafting the legal package for guaranteeing the right to vote to Albanian citizens outside the territory of Albania is established

The digital magazine of the Coordination Council of Diaspora is published

The digital magazine of the Coordination Council of Diaspora is published. It contains a summary of the legal framework for the creation of this structure, which is the first structure in the history of the Albanian state.

It shows the legal framework on which this council is established and operates. In addition, it contains a short […]

By |September 20th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on The digital magazine of the Coordination Council of Diaspora is published

Representatives of the National Agency for Diaspora meet with the two rectors of the National Radio Technical University in Kharkov

During the visit to Ukraine, the Representatives of the National Diaspora Agency and the Honorary Consul of Albania in Ukraine, Mr. Shahin Omanov held a meeting with the two rectors of the National Radio Technical University in Kharkov. They discussed the possibility of creating a cooperation project for the inclusion of the Albanian Diaspora. The […]

By |September 16th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on Representatives of the National Agency for Diaspora meet with the two rectors of the National Radio Technical University in Kharkov

The magazine “State Committee for Diaspora” is published

The electronic magazine “State Committee for Diaspora” is a complete overview of all decisions adopted and structures responsible for the development and implementation of state policies on Diaspora.

The committee plays an important role in improving the position of Albanians abroad. It`s function is to prepare guidelines for drafting new active policies and defining priorities […]

By |September 13th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on The magazine “State Committee for Diaspora” is published

Ceremonia e organizuar në qendrën kulturore të fshatit Gamovka, Ukrainë

Në qendrën kulturore të fshatit Gamovka, Ukrainë përfaqësuesit e komunitetit shqiptar vazhdojnë të ruajnë traditat shqiptare. Momente nga ceremonia e organizuar me rastin e vizitës së Konsullit të nderit të Shqipërisë në Ukrainë, z. Shahin Omanov dhe përfaqësuesve të Agjencisë Kombëtare të Diasporës, të cilët konkretizuan fillimin e programit të AKD-së, për të mbështetur komunitetin […]

By |September 13th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ceremonia e organizuar në qendrën kulturore të fshatit Gamovka, Ukrainë

Memorandum of Cooperation with the Educational Institution “Azimuth”, Ukraine

The Honorary Consul of Albania in Ukraine, Mr. Shahin Omanov signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Azimuth Educational Institution in Priazov. Also present were representatives of the National Diaspora Agency, which will support this cooperation.

This memorandum aims at inter-institutional cooperation in order to disseminate information and educate the younger generations about the Albanian language, […]

By |September 12th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on Memorandum of Cooperation with the Educational Institution “Azimuth”, Ukraine

The National Diaspora Agency representatives meet the Albanian community in Devnja

In Ukraine, two representatives of the National Diaspora Agency met with residents of the village of Devnja. About 60% of the population of this village have Albanian origin.

During the conversation with them, representatives from National Diaspora Agency told them more about the mission of the institution, the projects implemented and the work being done […]

By |September 12th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on The National Diaspora Agency representatives meet the Albanian community in Devnja

Representatives of the National Diaspora Agency in Ukraine

Representatives from the National Agency of Diaspora met with the Deputy Governor of the Zaporizhzhya region in Ukraine, Mr. Gygnii Eduard Anatolievich. During their visit, they were accompanied by the Honorary Consul of Republic Albania to Ukraine, Mr Shahin Omanov. Mr Anatolievich became more familiar with the new state policies for the Albanian Diaspora and […]

By |September 12th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on Representatives of the National Diaspora Agency in Ukraine

Meeting with the Coordinator Group for the implementation of “Action Plan of the National Strategy for Diaspora”

In the next meeting with the Coordinators Group on the implementation of the “Action Plan of the National Strategy for Diaspora 2018-2024”, was summarized the work carried out by the Coordinators Group so far, and discussed the progress further on the follow-up and implementation of the Action Plan measures and were presented the following activities.

By |September 9th, 2019|Te rejat e Fundit|Comments Off on Meeting with the Coordinator Group for the implementation of “Action Plan of the National Strategy for Diaspora”